Student Life

Fees & Funding

Your higher education study is an investment in your future. Even though the costs of higher education can seem daunting, there are funding options available to you to take away the financial pressure of studying a higher education qualification.

Don't let the cost of funding your higher education journey put you off.

Our dedicated HE Admissions Team can help you with any questions you may have about fees and student finance.

Higher Education Fee & Bursary Policy 2023-24

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Most of you will be applying for a tuition loan to pay for your course and a maintenance loan to support you with the cost of living while you study.

You will need to budget for accommodation, bills and food if you are moving away from home. Student loans provide a calculator to help you predict how much maintenance loan you could be awarded:

Transport can be another cost for you to consider. You may prefer to pay upfront for a termly or yearly bus or rail pass rather than drive. Take a look at student bank accounts as some offer travel discounts as an incentive to open an account with them.

Some courses incur other costs such as materials fees, specialist equipment, field trips or enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks.

The links below are guides on how the student finance process works and how to get your application started.

Even if student finance seems complicated we are here to support you every step of the way. Please email us at if you have any questions and we will be happy to help you.


Student Finance Useful links

Student Finance for Undergraduates overview:

SF Calculator - Students can obtain an approximation of how much student finance they are entitled to:

Information for Care Leavers:

Extra help (this page is useful for students in receipt of benefits and students with dependents):


Advanced Learner Loan:



Initial Teacher Training

Student Finance for Initial Teacher Training:

Study Abroad

English Students may be eligible for study abroad funding via the Turing scheme:

Students Not Residing in England or Wales

Scottish Students:

Northern Irish Students: