
Support is always here, if you need it.
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Information, Advice & Guidance

We want you to enjoy your time at SGS, and to fulfil your true potential. To help you do this, we offer a wide range of support.

Get Support. Take Control, Feel Better
A safe community to support your mental health, a free 24/7 365 days service.

The college offers a free, confidential counselling service. You can be referred to this by speaking to your SGS Education and Wellbeing Mentor, or by booking an appointment via the QR Code.

Prayer Room & Reflective Space
We offer a prayer room and reflective space on each of our campuses. Everyone is welcome, from all faiths to none. For more information, email wellbeingservice@sgscol.ac.uk

Period Products
We believe all women should have access to sanitary protection during their period. However, many are experiencing period poverty, unable to access or afford them. We support women by providing FREE sanitary products to students.

Relationships & Sexual Health
The College operates a free, confidential Sexual Health & Relationships Service, which includes C- Card registration, Chlamydia tests & FREE condoms.

SGS Wellbeing Service

The SGS Wellbeing Service is a team of specialist individuals who can support you to achieve your potential.
The team includes:
- Education & Wellbeing Mentors
- Counsellors
- Safeguarding officers

Education & Wellbeing Mentors can offer you:
- Confidential, objective information, advice & guidance
- Strategies and support to help you manage practically & emotionally
- Meditation and advocacy, helping you to communicate and resolve any conflicts
- Referrals or signposts to other services

Where we are:
WISE - Room G32
Bristol School of Art - Wellbeing Room
Zoo - Appointment Only

Bullying & Harassment
We believe that you should feel safe whilst studying, not worrying about being bullied or harassed by anyone. If you or someone you know is being bullied, please report this to your Education & Wellbeing Mentor, Safeguarding officer, or any other trusted member of staff.

Food Bank
If you are struggling with purchasing food, we provide a range of FREE foods items and Food Bank vouchers. Please email the wellbeing service or drop into one of our offices and speak to one of the team who will be happy to help.

Safeguarding & Prevent Statement

As a college delivering education to students across a wide range of ages, including adults participating in Higher Education, our safeguarding student & child protection policy and procedure details how we safeguard our staff and learners to study and train in and for our staff to work within. We prioritise and promote the safeguard our staff and learners to study and train in for our staff to work within. We prioritise and promote the safeguarding and protection of all our learners from harm, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, race, religion/belief and sexual orientation.

Prevent Statement
SGS College is proud of our commitment to social justice, equality of opportunity, mutual respect and tolerance.

In developing our students to be effective citizens in a democratic society, it is essential that the college continues to promote open debates and freedom of speech and expression, whilst recognising the need to challenge prejudice, eliminate discrimination and prevent radicalisation.

It is our duty to safeguard our students and staff; empowering them to protect themsleves from harm. The Prevent duty is therefore an integral part of the college's safeguarding children, young people and Vulnerable Adults Policy & Procedure.