Financial Support

Financial Assistance

The Higher Education Assistance Fund is available to support you with the cost of unexpected financial difficulty.

Applying for the Financial Assistance Fund

You must have accepted a place to study with us or be enrolled onto a degree or HNC/D course at SGS to apply for the Higher Education Financial Assistance Fund.

To apply to the Financial Assistance Fund, please contact for an application form.  We cannot guarantee that there will be sufficient funds to meet every application, therefore we encourage you not to delay with your application.

HE Financial Assistance Fund criteria

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, the Higher Education Financial Assistance Fund may be able to help.

You can apply if you can satisfy evidence of the following: You are currently enrolled on an SGS Higher Education course. Have a UK bank account. The last three months’ worth of bank and savings statements.  Attendance of at least 80% or above.

The maximum payment per academic year is £900 (on part-time course pathways pro-rota rates apply).