Rose Stiff
Digital Marketing Assistant
minute read
Alumni Aaron Rooke and Sam Goddard have won best Horror at the RS Film Festival, with their short film 'His Evil Eye'. Both Aaron Rooke and Sam Goddard are graduates from the BA(Hons) Media Production degree. Since completing their degree's the two have worked closely together, their latest project is a short film called 'His Evil Eye'. A short one and a half minute film which is an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's 1843 'The Tell-Tale Heart'.
The two have not only won Best Horror 'His Evil Eye' was nominated for best Actor as well. They also received a mention in the Drama Category. This is an incredible achievement which showcases the talent of both graduates, SGS is immensely proud of 'His Evil Eye' and the recognition it has received.
'I started out this project envisioning the film centering around a narration but later cut this due to wanting to show rather than tell. I was inspired by a number of films and directors, most prominently 'Stanley Kubrick' even lifting a few shots from 'The Shining' and '2001''. - Aaron Rooke & Sam Goddard